United nations security council resolution 2118 pdf

Calls upon isaf and the nato senior civilian representative to continue to work in close consultation with the afghan government and the special representative of the united nations secretarygeneral in accordance with security council resolution 1974 2011 as well as with the oef coalition in the implementation of the isaf mandate. United nations sres2042 2012 security council distr general 14 april 2012 resolution 2042 2012 1229528 e 1229528 adopted by the security council at its 6751st meeting, on 14 april 2012 the security council, recalling its presidential statements of 3 august 2011, 21 march 2012 and. General 31 december 2016 resolution 1623200 e 1623200 2336 2016 adopted by the security council at its 7855th meeting, on 31 december 2016 the security council recalling all its previous resolutions and presidential statements on. United nations sres2268 2016 security council distr general 26 february 2016 16039 e 16039 resolution 2268 2016 adopted by the security council at its 7634th meeting, on 26 february 2016 the security council, recalling its resolutions 2042 2012, 2043 2012, 2118 20, 29 2014. General assembly documents, for example, are assigned the unique symbol a, and are further identified by session and document number. Yemen, to the united nations, transmitting a letter from the president of yemen, in which he informed the president of the security council that he has requested from the cooperation council for the arab states of the gulf and the league of arab states to immediately provide. United nations sres2118 20 security council distr general 27 september 20 resolution 48923 e 48923 2118 20 adopted by the security council at its 7038th meeting, on 27 september 20 the security council, recalling the statements of. Sep 27, 20 security council 7038th meeting pm security council requires scheduled destruction of syrias chemical weapons, unanimously adopting resolution 2118 20.

Briefing to the security council on the implementation of. Draft french resolution on referral of situation in the syrian arab republic to the international criminal court the security council, recalling its resolutions 2042 2012, 2043 2012, 2118 20 and 29 2014, and its presidential statements of 3 august 2011, 21. The resolution was sponsored by british ambassador lord caradon and was one of five drafts under consideration. United nations s2015602 security council provisional 6 august 2015 original. The present report, which has been prepared pursuant to security council resolution 1612 2005, is presented to the council and its working group on children and armed conflict as the second country report on the situation of children and armed conflict in afghanistan. Izumi nakamitsu high representative for disarmament affairs united nations 7 november, 2017 new york. The report covers the period from 1 september 2008 to 30 august 2010. Security council distr general 22 february 2014 1424339 e 1424339 resolution 29 2014 adopted by the security council at its 7116th meeting, on 22 february 2014 the security council, recalling its resolutions 2042 2012, 2043 2012 and 2118 20, and its presidential statements of 3 august 2011, 21 march 2012, 5 april 2012 and 2. Security council resolutions resolution 2118 20 by which the security council, inter alia, called for the full implementation of the 27 september decision of. In accordance with paragraph 12 of united nations security council resolution 2118 20, the report by the secretariat is also to be submitted. United nations s security council distr general 24.

Reaffirms that it will take further measures under the charter of the united nations in the event of noncompliance with this resolution or resolutions 29. The full text of security council resolution 2118 20 reads as follows. United nations sres1540 2004 security council distr general 28 april 2004 0432843 e 0432843 resolution 1540 2004 adopted by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004 the security council, affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a. English 1424039 e australia, jordan and luxembourg.

This resolution provides a framework for the resolution of the conflict in kosovo by authorising the deployment of an international civilian and military presence that would provide an international transitional administration and security presence that would oversee the return of refugees and the withdrawal of military forces from kosovo. The audiobooks are read by volunteers from all over the world and are free to listen on your mobile device, ipods, computers and can be even burnt into a cd. Sep 27, 20 united nations security council resolution 2118 was adopted unanimously on 27 september 20, in regard to the framework for elimination of syrian chemical weapons during the syrian civil war. Security council resolutions 1696 2006 and 1737 2006, mindful of its primary responsibility under the charter of the united nations for the maintenance of international peace and security, acting under article 41 of chapter vii of the charter of the united nations, 1. It recalled united nations security council resolutions 1540, 2042 and 2043 and occurred on the. United nations security council resolution 2118 was adopted unanimously on 27 september 20, in regard to the framework for elimination of syrian chemical weapons during the syrian civil war. Australias position on the elected council of the united nations security council in 2014 enabled the usual middle power an opportunity to step into the forefront of international relations. President, distinguished members of the security council, 1. United nations sres 2118 20 security council distr general 27 september 20 resolution 48923 e 48923 2118 20 adopted by the security council at its 7038th meeting, on 27 september 20 the security council, recalling the statements of its president of 3 august 2011, 21 march 2012. Security council requires scheduled destruction of syrias chemical weapons.

Security council requires scheduled destruction of syrias. United nations sres2334 2016 security council distr general 23 december 2016 resolution 2334 2016 adopted by the security council at its 7853 rd meeting, on 23 december 2016. Recalling the decisions taken by the security council in resolutions 2118 20 and 2209 2015 that in the event of future noncompliance with resolution 2118 20 to impose measures under chapter vii of the united nations charter. Unanimously adopting resolution 2118 20 in a fastbreaking evening meeting. Recalling that, in its resolution 2118 20, it decided that the syrian arab.

Reaffirms that iran shall without further delay take the steps required by. United nations secretarygeneral ban kimoon hailed the resolutions. Security council resolution 2118 on destruction of. United nations sres2449 2018 security council distr general december 2018 resolution 1821839 e 1821839 2449 2018 adopted by the security council at its 8423rd meeting, on. United nations sres2336 2016 security council distr. United nations resolutions are formal expressions of the opinion or will of united nations organs. United nations security council resolution 2118 was adopted unanimously on 27 september 20, in regard to the framework for elimination of syrian. Draft french resolution on referral of situation in the syrian arab republic to the international criminal court the security council, recalling its resolutions 2042 2012, 2043 2012, 2118 20 and 29 2014, and its presidential statements of 3 august 2011, 21 march 2012, 5 april 2012 and 2 october 20. Deeply outraged by the use of chemical weapons on 21 august in a damascus suburb, as concluded by a united nations investigation team. Hr 2118 ih 1 irans progress on space launch vehiclesalong with 2 its desire to deter the united states and its allies 3 provides tehran with the means and motivation to 4 develop longerrange missiles, including icbms. United nations s 2014115 security council provisional 19 february 2014 original. United nations s security council distr general 31. While australia, led by ambassador gary quinlan, did have a chance to exert some influence and produce resolutions, specifically in light of the mh17 plane crash and the work towards a convention on. United nations s security council distr general 31 december.

United nations s security council distr general december. United nations security council resolution 2118 military. Jarring mission special representative to middle east appointed under res. The security council, recalling the statements of its president of 3 august 2011, 21 march 2012, 5 april 2012, and its resolutions 1540 2004, 2042 2012 and 2043 2012, reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the syrian arab republic, reaffirming. Unanimously adopting resolution 2118 20 in a fastbreaking evening. Acces pdf united nations security council resolution librivox is a unique platform, where you can rather download free audiobooks. Recalls its decision in response to violations of resolution 2118 to impose measures under chapter vii of the charter of the united nations. Deeply outraged by the use of chemical weapons on 21 august in a damascus suburb, as concluded by a united nations investigation team, the security council this evening. Recalls its decision in paragraph 7 of resolution 2118 that the syrian arab republic shall cooperate fully with the opcw and united nations, including by. Deeply outraged by the use of chemical weapons on 21 august in a damascus suburb, as concluded by a united nations investigation team, the security council this evening endorsed the expeditious destruction of syrias chemical weapons programme, with inspections to begin by 1 october, and agreed that in the event of noncompliance, it would impose chapter vii measures.

Ambassador and permanent representative of spain to the united nations new york. United nations security council resolution 2118 wikipedia. Thank you for the opportunity to brief you on the implementation of security council resolution 2118 20 on the elimination of the chemical weapons programme of. United nations secretarygeneral ban kimoon hailed the. In accordance with paragraph 12 of united nations security council resolution 2118 20, the report by the secretariat is also to be submitted to the security council through the secretarygeneral. Nov 07, 2017 briefing to the security council on the implementation of security council resolution 2118 20 on the elimination of the chemical weapons programme of the syrian arab republic ms. It recalled united nations security council resolutions 1540, 2042 and 2043 and occurred on the sidelines of the general debate of the sixtyeighth session of the united nations general assembly. High representatives briefing to the security council.

United nations s security council distr general 26. Terence taylor coordinator united nations security council. Pdf after four deadly years the syrian conflict showed no sign of abating till. United nations security council resolution wikipedia. Under the charter of the united nations, all member states are obligated to comply with council decisions. Yemen, to the united nations, transmitting a letter from the president of yemen, in which he informed the president of the security council that he has requested from the cooperation council for the arab states of the gulf and the league of arab states to immediately provide support, by all necessary means and measures. United nations sres1718 2006 security council distr general 14 october 2006 0657207 e 0657207 resolution 1718 2006 adopted by the security council at its 5551st meeting, on 14 october 2006 the security council, recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 1993. They generally consist of two clearly defined sections. The council, at its thirtyfourth meeting, adopted a decision entitled. United nations s security council distr general 24 february. United nations sres2235 2015 security council distr general 7 august 2015 resolution 2235 2015 15352 e 15352 adopted by the security council at its 7501st meeting, on 7 august 2015 the security council, recalling the protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating. A united nations security council resolution is a united nations resolution adopted by the fifteen members of the security council unsc.

Permanent mission of the syrian arab republic to the united nations this. Security council distr general 27 september 20 resolution 2118 20 adopted by the security council at its 7038th meeting, on 27 september 20 the security council, recalling the statements of its president of 3 august 2011, 21 march 2012, 5 april 2012, and its resolutions 1540 2004, 2042 2012 and 2043 2012. Security council 7038th meeting pm security council requires scheduled destruction of syrias chemical weapons, unanimously adopting resolution 2118 20. Similarly, the council, at its eightyfirst session, adopted a decision entitled report by the directorgeneral regarding the declaration and related submissions by the syrian arab republic ec81dec. The security council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace. Australia on the united nations security council 2014. Recalling that in resolution 2118 the council underscored that no party in. Security council resolutions 1696 2006, 1737 2006 and 1747 2007, mindful of its primary responsibility under the charter of the united nations for the maintenance of international peace and security, acting under article 41 of chapter vii of the charter of the united nations, 1. United nations sres2401 2018 security council distr general 24 february 2018 resolution 1802932 e 260218 1802932 2401 2018 adopted by the security council at its 8188th meeting, on. General 31 december 2016 resolution 1623200 e 1623200 2336 2016 adopted by the security council at its 7855th meeting, on 31 december 2016 the security council recalling all its previous resolutions and presidential statements on the. United nations s security council distr general 1 december 2017. Security council resolution 2118 on destruction of chemical. United nations sres1401 2002 security council distr general 28 march 2002 0230914 e 0230914 resolution 1401 2002 adopted by the security council at its 4501st meeting, on 28 march 2002 the security council, reaffirming its previous resolutions on afghanistan, in particular its. Identical letters dated 19 january 2016 from the permanent representative of colombia to the united nations addressed to the secretarygeneral and the president of the security council s201653.

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